Unit 1: Entrepreneurial Opportunity
- Sensing Entrepreneurial Opportunities
- Environment Scanning
- Problem Identification
- Idea fields
- Spotting Trends
- Creativity and Innovation
Selecting the Right Opportunity
Unit 2: Entrepreneurial Planning
Forms of business organization- Sole proprietorship, Partnership, Company
Business Plan- Concept, Format
Components- Organizational plan, Operational plan, Production plan, Financial plan, Marketing plan
Human Resource planning
Unit 3: Enterprise Marketing
- Marketing and Sales Strategy
- Branding, Logo, Tagline
- Promotion Strategy
Unit 4: Enterprise Growth Strategies
- Franchising- Concept, types, advantages, limitations
- Mergers and Acquisition- Concept, reasons, types
Unit 5: Business Arithmetic
- Computation of Working Capital
- Inventory Control and EOQ (Economic Order Quantity)
- Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Equity (ROE)
Unit 6: Resource Mobilization
- Capital Market - Primary
- Angel Investor: Features
- Venture Capital: Features, Funding