Performing Arts

Syllabus for Vocal- Instrumental Melodic

Section A- Hindustani- Karnatak Music

UNIT I- Definition of the following:

  • Sangeet, Nad, Shruti, Swara- Shuddha, Komal, Teevra, Pitch-Intensity - Timbre, GramMurcchana, Varna, Alankar, Raga, Alap Tana, Gamak, Meend, Kan.

UNIT II- Basic knowledge of the following concepts:

  • Vadi, Samvadi, Anuvadi, Vivadi, Uttarang, Puravang, Aroh, Avroh, Pakad, Thata (Mela) Jati- Audav, Shadav, Sampurna and its varieties.

UNIT III- Laya & Tala

  • Laya - Vilambit, Madhya, Drut
  • Layakari- Dagun, Tigun, Chaugun, Chegun, Tala, Matra, Tali, Khali, Sam, Vibhag, Avartan,
  • Knowledge of prominent Talas: Teental, Ektala, Dadra, Keharwa, Jhaptala, Rupak, Adi, Saptala, Chaputala, Rupakam.

UNIT IV- Knowledge of Musical Forms

  • Prabandh, Drupad, Khayal, Thumri, Tarana, Maseet Khani-Razakhani Gat, Kriti, Pallavi, Padam, Tillana

UNIT V- Contribution of musicians & composers:

  • V.N Bhatkhande, Omkar Nath thakur, Allaudin Khan, Mushtaq Ali Khan, Tyagraja, Purandardas, Ravindra Nath tagore, Kazi narrul Islam.

UNIT VI- Musical Instruments & its Classification:

  • string (Tatta) - Sitar, Tanpura, Saraswati Veena, Sarod, sarangi
  • Violon percussion (Avnadha) Tabla, Pakhawaj, Mrindangam, Khatam, Khanjira, Dholak
  • Wind (Sushir) - Flute, Shehnai, Nagaswaram, Harmonium
  • Metallic (Ghan)- Chimta, Cymbal, Ghungaroo, Khadtala, Chipla, Morchung

UNIT-VII- Knowledge of Salient features of the following ragas: -

  1. Yaman/Kalyani,
  2. Bhairav/ Mayamalavgaula,
  3. Alhaiya Bilwal/Shankra bharnam,
  4. Malkaun/Hindolam,
  5. Bageshree/Shri Ranjani,
  6. Bhupali/Mohnam

Dance (Section B)

UNIT I - Brief knowledge of classical dances of India.

(Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Manipuri, Kathakali, Odissi, Kuchipudi, Mohiniattam, Sattriya)

  • I. History
  • II. Dance repertoire
  • III. Music both vocal and instrumental
  • IV. Costume and makeup

UNIT II- Life sketches of chief exponents and contributors of different dance forms, past and present.

UNIT III- Knowledge of the following terms:

  • I. Sangeet, Natan Bheda ( Natya, Nritta, Nritya)
  • II. Tandav, Lasya
  • III. Lokdharmi, Natyadharmi

UNIT IV- Basic knowledge of the following: -

  • I. Texts: Abhinaya Darpan, Natya Shastra, Abhinaya Chandrika, Hasta Lakshana deepika.
  • II. Major folk dances of India.

UNIT V- Basic knowledge of Abhinaya and Rasa theory.

  • I. Aangika, Vachika, Aaharya, Satwika
  • II. Nav rasa and sthayi bhaav.
  • III. Bhaav, Vibhaav, Anubhaav, Sanchari.

UNIT VI- Survey of classical dance practice:

  • I. Elementary information and knowledge of premier classical dance gharanas/ organisations/ institutions/ University-departments.
  • II. Major dance festivals.

Section-C-Syllabus for Percussion Music- Hindustani & Karnataka

UNIT I- Basic knowledge of structure of Tabla, Pakhawaj & Mridangam.

UNIT II- Varnas of Tabla, Pakhawaj and Mridangam.

UNIT III- Knowledge of following terms:

  • a) Tala, Matra, Tali, Khali, Vibhag, Tihai, Sam
  • b) Theka, Kayada,Rela, Tukda, Paran, Peshkar, Uthan, Chakradar & Farmaishi chakradar.
  • c) Sarvlaghu, Gati, Koraipu, Korvai, Pharan, Mohra, Chapu, Muktayipu
  • d) Study of Laya, aykari & Jati

UNIT IV- Elementary knowledge of Bhatkhande Tala Notation system & Karnatak Tala Notation System.


  • a) Brief study of origin of Tabla, Pakhawaj and Mridangam.
  • b) Brief study of Gharana of Tabla and Pakhawaj

UNIT VI- Knowledge of prescribes Talas:

  • a) Teentala, Jhaptala, Ektala, Rupak, Keharwa & Dadra
  • b) Chautala, Sooltala, Khemtas, Dhamar
  • c) Dhurva, Mathya Rupak, Jhampa, Triput, Ata, Eka.

UNIT VII Biographies: -

  • a) Pt. Kishan Mharaj, Ustad Zakir Hussain.
  • b) Raja Chatrapati Singh, Guru Purushotam Das.
  • c) Palani Subramanya Pillai, Palghat Mani Iyer.

Section D: Drama- Theatre

UNIT I- Introduction to Indian Classical and Traditional Theatre

  • I. Leading Sanskrit Playwrights
  • II. Bhasa, Kalidasa, Sudraka, Bhavabhuti
    [ The student can identify and study one text (one play) of the above-mentioned Playwrights]
  • III. Major Traditional Theatre forms

UNIT II- Modern/ Contemporary Indian Theatre

  • I. Survey of major modern and contemporary styles and works in Hindi/ English
  • II. Rabindranath Tagore, Bhartendu Harishchandra, Vijay Tendulkar, Mohan Rakesh, Dharamveer Bharti, Badal sarcar, Shankar Shesh, Girish Karnad, Chandrasekhar Kambar, Madhu Rye.
    [The student can identify and study one text (one play) of the above-mentioned playwrights]
  • III. Partitioners of modern Indian Theatre Shambhu Mitra, B.V.Karanth, Habib Tanvir, K.N.Panikkar, Ratan Thiyam, Utapal Dutt, Rajender Nath, Jabbar Patel, Vijya Mehta, Satyadev Dubey, E.Alkazi, Pravin Joshi.

UNIT III- Introduction to western classical and Medieval Drama

  • I. Leading Greek Playwrights
  • II. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripedese
    [The student can identify and study one text (one play) of the above-mentioned playwrights]
  • III. Shakesperean Dramas
    [The student can identify and study one text (one play) of the Shakespeare]

UNIT IV- Modern/Contemporary Western Theatre

  • I. Survey of major contemporary styles and works in English or English Translation
  • II. Chekov, Ibsen, Strindberg, Shaw, O’Neil, Miller, Ionesco, Beckett, Pinter Stoppard, Pirandello
    [The student can identify and study one text (one play) of the playwrights abovementioned]
  • III. Practitioners of Modern Western Drama
    • a. Stanislavsky, Lee Strasberg, Bertolt Brecht, Meyerhold, Peter Brook
    • b. Marlin Brando, Lawrence Olivier, John Grilgood

UNIT V- Theatre Production/Architecture/ Design

  • I. Types of Theatres: Proscenium, Arena, Theatre in Round, Thrust.
  • II. Elements of play production: Set, Light, Costume, Make up, Sound- Music.


  • I. Review of Indian Theatre Organizations-NSD, University Theatre Deptts, Sangeet Natak academy, Zonal Cultural Centres.
  • II. Developing and Documenting the Research project - Examples of research projects in different aspects of theatre; using media and sources for the project.

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CUET Syllabus
