Mass Media

1. Communication

  • (i) Culture and Communication

    What is culture? Relationship between culture and mass media; communication in the cultural context; media as a vehicle of cultural transmission; representation and stereotyping in Mass Media.

  • (ii) Communication and Social Change

    Social change: meaning; media as a catalyst for social change (with examples of various social movements).

2. Journalism

  • (i) Qualities of a good Journalist

    Qualities of a good Journalist. An understanding of the following: a nose for News, inquisitiveness, language skills, trustworthiness, and empathy.

  • (ii) Ethical Issues in Journalism

    A brief understanding of each of the following with examples: sensationalism, fake news, paid news, plagiarism, advertorials, partisan reporting, and sting operations.

3. TV

A. Advertising

  • (i) Advertising concepts & process
  • (ii) Functions of Advertising
  • (iii) Types of Advertising (Cross promotions, Merchandise, Convert Advertising),
  • (iv) Forms of Advertising

B. Film

  • (i) Pre-Shooting Stage
  • (ii) Shooting Stage
  • (iii) Post-Shooting Stage

4. Radio

  • (i) Writing for Radio

    Characteristics of a Radio Script: conversational language, active voice, simple sentences, avoidance of technical jargons, and capability of creating imageries.

  • (ii) Recording Radio Programmes

    Brief understanding of the radio studio and transmission equipment: types of microphones; amplifier, sound mixer, speakers; audio recording.

  • (iii) Radio Jockeying

    Role of a radio jockey; skills required: command on language (spoken and written), connectedness with the audience; knowledge about the recording equipment.

5. Cinema

  • (i) History of Cinema

    A brief understanding of the early experiments done by the following: Lumiere Brothers, John Grierson, Robert Flaharty and Dada Saheb Phalke.

  • (ii) Cinema Genres

    Defining genre theory; an understanding of the various types of genres (with suitable examples): action, westerns, comedy, crime, drama, fantasy/sci-fi, historical, animation, romance and musical.

  • (iii) Cinema and Social Change

    Parallel Cinema movement in India: Issues depicted and low budget production process (with reference to examples such as Shyam Benegal’s Manthan).

6. Social Media

  • (i) Definition of Social Media

  • (ii) Types of Social Media Platforms


  • (iii) Role of Social Media in Democracy.

    Role of social media in creating collective identities with reference to sharing of information; cyber activism (with suitable examples)

  • (iv) Cyber Crime

    Understanding online bullying, stalking, trolling, online frauds

  • (v) Netiquettes.

    Meaning and importance of netiquettes; an understanding of netiquettes such as: identification of oneself; respect for others’ privacy, use of appropriate language and imagery; do not spam.

7. New Media

  • (i) Internet as the meeting point of all the mass media.
  • (ii) Broadcasting
  • (iii) Mass communication model of a few transmitting to a vast number of receivers.
  • (iv) Gigantic organization.
  • (v) Huge technical infrastructure.
  • (vi) Large-scale revenue.
  • (vii) The changed paradigm due to the Internet.
  • (viii) Empowering an individual to post data on the Internet.
  • (ix) Information, message in one medium triggering off activity in the others.
  • (x) Many sources of the same information.
  • (xi) Distribution of the information between individuals on an unprecedented global scale.
  • (xii) Rapidity of opinion generation on a local, national, and global scale.
  • (xiii) The socio-political implications of the new information order.
  • (xiv) The strengthening of democracy.
  • (xv) Emerging trends in Mass Communication.

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