
Unit-1: Physical Anthropology

  • (i) Preliminary knowledge of Human genetics. Mendel’s Laws of heredity, Monohybrid and Dihybrid ratio

  • (ii) Definition of Race and Racial criteria, Significance of skin colour, Eye form and colour, Head form, and ABO blood groups as racial criteria

  • (iii) Racial classification, Distinctive physical features and geographical distribution of the major racial groups of man: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Australoid

Unit-2: Prehistoric Archaeology

  • (i) Tool Making: Techniques of manufacturing core and flake tools, Primary and secondary flaking, pressure flaking, grinding and polishing, Materials used in making prehistoric tools

  • (ii) Tool families: Pebble tools, Handaxe, Cleaver, Scrapers, Microliths, Points, Blades, Awl, Graver, Celts, Sickles, Spear-head, Arrow-head, and Bone tools

  • (iii) Prehistoric Cultures: A brief outline of the following prehistoric cultures of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods-

  • (iv) A comparative study of the salient features of Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures

Unit-3: Material Culture and Economic Anthropology

  • (i) Economic life Meaning and aspects, characteristic features of primitive or simple economic sys-tems.

  • (ii) Subsistence economy: Domestication of animals-pastoralism, Agriculture-shifting cultivation, horti-culture, terrace cultivation, plough cultivation.

  • (iii) Brief outline of the methods of hunting, fishing, and agriculture with reference to various communities of North East India as far as practicable.

Unit-4: Social Anthropology and Ethnography

A: Social Anthropology:

  • (i) Family: Definition, forms, and types: nuclear family, joint family, family of orientation, family of procreation, monogamous and polygamous (polygynous and polyandrous)

  • (ii) Clustered relationship in a nuclear family.

  • (iii) Rules of residence: Patrilocal, matrilocal, neolocal, avancolocal, bi-local, matripatriloca, Rules of descent: Patrilineal and matrilineal descent

  • (iv) Functions of family, social nature of family.

B: Ethnography:

  • (i) A brief outline of the land and people of North-East India.

  • (ii) Study of material culture and economic life of the following communities

  • (iii) The Garo: Shifting or Jhum cultivation.

  • (iv) The Mishing: Plough cultivation

  • (v) A study of social organization of the Ao Naga and the Apatani.

Unit-5: Ecology

  • (i) Meaning and definition of ecology and environment.

  • (ii) Elements of the environment: Solid, liquid, and gas.

  • (iii) Physical or abiotic environment, biological or biotic environment, and sociocultural environment.

  • (iv) Man as the main agent to disturb the ecological balance.

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