Unit-1: Physical Anthropology
(i) Preliminary knowledge of Human genetics. Mendel’s Laws of heredity, Monohybrid and Dihybrid ratio
(ii) Definition of Race and Racial criteria, Significance of skin colour, Eye form and colour, Head form, and ABO blood groups as racial criteria
(iii) Racial classification, Distinctive physical features and geographical distribution of the major racial groups of man: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, Australoid
Unit-2: Prehistoric Archaeology
(i) Tool Making: Techniques of manufacturing core and flake tools, Primary and secondary flaking, pressure flaking, grinding and polishing, Materials used in making prehistoric tools
(ii) Tool families: Pebble tools, Handaxe, Cleaver, Scrapers, Microliths, Points, Blades, Awl, Graver, Celts, Sickles, Spear-head, Arrow-head, and Bone tools
(iii) Prehistoric Cultures: A brief outline of the following prehistoric cultures of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods-
(iv) A comparative study of the salient features of Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures
Unit-3: Material Culture and Economic Anthropology
(i) Economic life Meaning and aspects, characteristic features of primitive or simple economic sys-tems.
(ii) Subsistence economy: Domestication of animals-pastoralism, Agriculture-shifting cultivation, horti-culture, terrace cultivation, plough cultivation.
(iii) Brief outline of the methods of hunting, fishing, and agriculture with reference to various communities of North East India as far as practicable.
Unit-4: Social Anthropology and Ethnography
A: Social Anthropology:
(i) Family: Definition, forms, and types: nuclear family, joint family, family of orientation, family of procreation, monogamous and polygamous (polygynous and polyandrous)
(ii) Clustered relationship in a nuclear family.
(iii) Rules of residence: Patrilocal, matrilocal, neolocal, avancolocal, bi-local, matripatriloca, Rules of descent: Patrilineal and matrilineal descent
(iv) Functions of family, social nature of family.
B: Ethnography:
(i) A brief outline of the land and people of North-East India.
(ii) Study of material culture and economic life of the following communities
(iii) The Garo: Shifting or Jhum cultivation.
(iv) The Mishing: Plough cultivation
(v) A study of social organization of the Ao Naga and the Apatani.
Unit-5: Ecology
(i) Meaning and definition of ecology and environment.
(ii) Elements of the environment: Solid, liquid, and gas.
(iii) Physical or abiotic environment, biological or biotic environment, and sociocultural environment.
(iv) Man as the main agent to disturb the ecological balance.