Video Lectures
Concept of charge and Coulomb’s law - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Superposition Principle For Electrostatic Force - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
The concept of electric field - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Field Due To Dipole And Continuous Charge Distributions - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Gauss’s law in electrostatics - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Electrostatic Potential And Potential Energy - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Potential Due To Different Charge Distributions - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Energy Stored In Capacitors, Field In Dielectrics, Gauss’s Law In Dielectrics - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Cylindrical and Spherical Capacitors, Series and Parallel Combinations - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Problems In Electromagnetics- Electrostatics - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Problem Solving Electrostatics - Prof. Amarendra K Sarma
Electric Current And Current Density - [Lecture 1] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Drift velocity and resistance - [Lecture 2] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Mobility and temperature dependence of resistivity- Current and Electricity - [Lecture 3] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Electromotive force and Ohm’s law - Current and Electricity - [Lecture 4] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Electrical Energy And Power - [Lecture 5] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Series And Parallel Combination Of Resistances Part-I -[Lecture 6] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Kirchhoff’s Laws- Current and Electricity - [Lecture 9] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Wheatstone’s bridge, meter bridge and potentiometer - [Lecture 10] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Magnetostatics- Introduction And Biot Savart Law - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Motion Of Charges In The Presence of Electric and Magnetic Fields - By Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Magnetic Field For A Straight Conductor And Ampere's Law - By Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Generalization of Ampere’s law and its applications - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
More Applications of Ampere’s Law - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Force And Torque Due To Magnetic Field - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Moving Coil Galvanometer, Ammeter and Voltmeter; Potential Energy of a Dipole - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Magnetization- Magnetism and Matter - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic And Ferromagnetic Materials, Magnetic Field Of The Earth - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Electromagnetic Induction - Electromagnetic Induction - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Faraday’s Law Of Induction- Induced emf - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Faraday’s Law of Induction- Mutual and Self-Inductance - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Self-Inductance And Energy In Magnetic Field - Electromagnetic Induction - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
AC Current Generator - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Circuits with Resistance and Inductance - [Lecture 11] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Capacitive Circuits- Alternating Currents - [Lecture 12] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
LCR Circuit- Graphical Solution - Alternating Currents - [Lecture 13] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
LCR Circuits- Analytical Solution Resonance - [Lecture 14] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
LCR Circuit - Applications - [Lecture 15] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
LCR Circuit - Power Factor - [Lecture 16] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
LC Oscillations - [Lecture 17] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Transformers - [Lecture 18] - Prof. Dipan K. Ghosh
Displacement Current - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Concept Of Waves And Electromagnetic Waves - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Maxwell’s Equations And Electromagnetic Waves - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Problems In Electromagnetics- Magnetic Fields, EM Waves - Prof. K. Thyagarajan
Optics - General Introduction - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Optics- Reflection of Light and Formation of Images - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
The Mirror Equation - Ray Optics and Optical Instruments - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Refraction of Light - Ray Optics and Optical Instruments - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Total Internal Reflection - Ray Optics and Optical Instruments - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Refraction at Spherical Surfaces and by Lenses- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Power of a Lens and Combination of Thin Lenses in Contact - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Viewing Objects- Eyes as an optical instrument - Ray Optics and Optical Instruments - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Microscopes and Telescopes - Ray Optics and Optical Instruments - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Refraction Through a Prism and Dispersion - Ray Optics and Optical Instruments - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Optics- Wave Optics-Huygens Principle - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Optics- Young’s Interference Experiment - By Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Optics- Interference with Coherent and Incoherent Waves - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Optics- Fringe Shift in the Two-hole Interference Equipment - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Diffraction - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Diffraction Patterns Due to a ‘Single-Slit’ and a ‘Circular Aperture - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
Optics- Polarisation of Light - Prof. M.R. Shenoy
What is Light -I - Prof. Ajoy Ghatak
What is Light-II - Prof. Ajoy Ghatak.
Modern Physics- General Introduction - Prof. V Ravishankar
Modern Physics -I - Prof. V Ravishankar
Modern Physics -II - Prof. V Ravishankar
Photoelectric Effects- Facts and Prospects - Prof. V Ravishankar
Wave Nature of Matter - Prof. V Ravishankar
Matter Waves & Structure of the Atom - Prof. V Ravishankar
Problem Solving Modern Physics - Dr. Mukesh Kumar
The Structure of the Atom - Prof. V Ravishankar
Atomics Models - Prof. V Ravishankar
Rutherford Scattering and Introduction to Bohr Model - Prof. V Ravishankar
Bohr Model of Atom-I - Prof. V Ravishankar
Bohr Model of Atom-II - Prof. V Ravishankar
Problem Solving Session, Structure of Atom-B - Prof. Sabyashachi Mishra
Problem Solving in ‘Quantum Physics of Atoms Part-1 [Problem Solving ‘Units and Errors in Measurement’] - Prof. Manu Jaiswal
Problem Solving in ‘Quantum Physics of Atoms Part-2 - Prof. Manu Jaiswal
The Atomic Nucleus-I - Prof. V Ravishankar
The Atomic Nucleus-II - Prof. V Ravishankar
The Atomic Nucleus Masses and Stability-I - Prof. V Ravishankar
The Atomic Nucleus Masses and Stability-II - Prof. V Ravishankar
The Atomic Nucleus Fission and Radioactivity - Prof. V Ravishankar
Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators - [Lecture 1] - Prof. HC Verma
Doping in Semiconductors - [Lecture 2] - Prof. HC Verma
P-N Junction Basics - [Lecture 3] - Prof. HC Verma
Field and Potential in P-N junction - [Lecture 4] - Prof. HC Verma
Current Through a P-N Junction - [Lecture 5 ] - Prof. HC Verma
Basics of Electronic Communication Systems: Modulation and Its Necessity – [Lecture 1] – By Prof. SM Tripathi
Amplitude and phase frequency modulation, procedure to generate amplitude modulated waves- [Lecture 2] – By Prof. S.M. Tripathi
Detection Of Amplitude Modulated Waves – [Lecture 3] – By Prof. Sm Tripathi
Basics of Electronic Communication Systems: Modulation and Its Necessity – [Lecture 1] – By Prof. SM Tripathi
Basics of Electronic Communication Systems: Modulation and Its Necessity – [Lecture 1] – By Prof. SM Tripathi